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They trust the Adaga

Here are some of our clients who trust us with their business experience.

What we do.

We help you generate engagement generating customer loyalty, consequently generating ROI, with a focus on accessibility, technology. With higher index of accuracy using data, providing the best digital experience for you and your client.

Adaga has a highly specialized team in e-commerce, app, portals, dashboard, digital products and services. 

See what we can do for your business:

UX Consulting

We do consulting focused on UX with a strategic look, to solve your user's problems, with business strategy, value innovation, data analysis, and transforming a pain into a conversion for your business.

Interaction & UX Design

Build customer loyalty by ensuring that the user navigates logically and fluidly from one step to the next. With our expertise in creating customized, delightful digital experiences focused on conversion, aligning your goals, business and technology.

Augmented Reality

Interaction design specializes in the design of interactive artifacts such as websites, PDAs, games, and software. We use the five dimensions to consider the interactions between a user and a product in a holistic way. Creating an immersive and unique experience.

Rapid Prototyping

Using componentization, in a relative short space of time, when creating a new digital product, websites or e-commerce we select a flow of a section of the product that we would like to validate. We gain agility in the definitions of variants, thus gaining agility, economy in the construction, I guarantee the conversion into the functional version already tested of your product.

Digital Product Concepting

The Digital Product Concept is often compared to a map that defines the path, distance and extent of territory. On this map we can also see conditions, opportunities, risks, chances, resources, and deficits. And, even more importantly, ways to overcome distances and achieve goals. At the same time, the idea is to find the balance between business rules, technology, and user need. .

Law Design & Visual Law

It has the goal of reducing and debureaucratizing information, in the legal area, in a creative way and adapting content so that it can be read and understood. It is an approach that makes use of User Experience (UX) and Design methodologies and tools to develop legal products, services, processes, and solutions for the legal sector.

Content Design

Using strategic writing applied to digital products. We guide and inform your user, according to the profile of your business, with the main focus of drawing attention and attracting leads, we focus on the experience of your reader, using a simple language and easy to understand.


We help you and correct your digital product according to the standards of international law of the Internet, Digital Accessibility needs to be a focus for digital products and eliminate the many barriers on the Web, with this we can design so that all people can perceive, understand, navigate and interact effectively with the pages. Your business will have many gains with this adaptation, getting new customer niches, better positioning with SEO and avoiding government fines.

Why should I invest in Adaga User Experience?

Adaga is a brand specialized in UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) services that, based on a detailed consulting process, finds the best ways to deliver the best experience that the user of your project needs.

Experience is everything.